10 Ways to Celebrate Eco-friendly Diwali

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  • Reading time:5 mins read

Diwali is on its way just 4 days left. You all have made plans, how to celebrate Diwali. We all know the reason behind celebrating Diwali to welcome Lord Ram, Sita and Laxman coming back to Ayodhya after 14 years of exile. It is a festival of lights and happiness but you should take care sometimes what you’re doing might affect another person.

There are some best ways to celebrate Safe and Eco-friendly Diwali.

1.Say no to crackers

You all are aware of the harmful effects of crackers on our environment. On the day of Diwali and the next day, the news channels are full of the news regarding damage caused to the people, animals, and property. I want to share something with you that I lost my dog Gollu, a street dog who lived in my house due to the fear to crackers runs away and never comes back. Yesterday god blessings were with me I am alive and writing the article with you. Actually what happened, in the evening I was sitting in my colony park with my mom and in our locality, some boys were burning crackers throwing them in the park a small part of the bomb came and strike to my hand. I got afraid and shouted at those boys. It’s not their mistake, parents are responsible. So try to stop burning crackers.

2.Spend time with family and friends-

On the day of Diwali take out some time for your friends and family and be together to enjoy the festival. You can organize some games or plan for a movie at home so that you all are together. You can’t enjoy festivals alone.

3.Light Diyas everywhere you find darkness

As we all know that Diwali is a festival of lights. This time say no to the Chinese lights and choose the mud made diyas to promote our Indian culture and this can stop the downfall of the diya makers. Your efforts can bring happiness in their life. Light the diyas everywhere you find darkness. Try to bring change in your thinking.

4.Support the needy people

Diwali is not a festival to be with your family and bring gifts for them. This time try to support the people who are need of things which are essential for them. You can with touch with NGOs to support these kinds of people. The money you waste in crackers which can work out for benefits for the needy ones. Try once you will feel great. I’m also supporting an NGO you all are aware of Nary a Seva Sansthan in Udaipur provides medical facilities free of cost and rehabilitation to ones who are in need. I have decided that I will donate the amount there to contribute to a noble cause.

5.Enjoy tasty food

Diwali is nothing without food. I am a foodie. You all might be. After the Diwali pooja gets over. You can go after the yummy and delicious food prepared by your mom and have it. It’s my favorite work at the time of Diwali.

6.Donate Unwanted things

Weeks before Diwali people clean their houses to attract positive energy in their homes. People take out unwanted things like toys, household items, and clothes. Donate these unwanted things to an orphanage.

7.Appropriate use of natural resources

Say no to crockery this Diwali. Serve the food in banana lives to the guests. By doing this you can add a traditional touch to the festive season. Mud glasses can be used instead of Glass and plastic to give an ethnic feeling.

8.Eco-friendly Decorations

This Diwali tries something different. Decorate your home with some bright and colorful dupattas and saris instead of a plastic streamer. Use organic rangoli colors and real flowers instead of artificial flowers.

9.Go organic this Diwali

On Diwali, we express our happiness by exchanging gifts and sweets. This time try something innovative go organic this Diwali by gifting organic gifts to your friends. You can gift plants. The organic idea of gift wrapping is to wrap them with colorful cloth or jute.

10.Limit your Celebration

Limit your celebration in a limited area and limited time. While celebrating Diwali in a community you can plan to celebrate Diwali for a limited time like from 8pm to 10pm, this will not only limit the paper, air and noise pollution.

I have suggested you 10 ways to celebrate Diwali with inviting a positive change. You have not tried most of these ways so this is the best time to try them and do share with me your first time experiences.

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