Get rid of Mosquitoes this will help you.

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Mosquitoes are usually be caused by dirt. Drain any water to freeze in place and placed anywhere in a pile of debris causes this arising mosquito. Many diseases are caused by a mosquito bite. Such as malaria or dengue illness is dangerous this is also caused by Mosquito bite.

If you are bothered by the horror of mosquitoes in the house Use toxic nature instead of Mosquito Coil’s things you can chase them. These types of homemade solution can help you. You should use these best and helpful tips. There are many benefits by Neem for health.Similarly, it also can avoid mosquitoes. Neem and coconut oil to prepare the mixture of equal quantity to rub it on your body. this affects till eight hours.

Burn Camphor instead of Coil and burn it till 15 and 20 minutes. When You Go to in your Room No Mosquito will disappear from your room.
Equal amounts of lemon oil and eucalyptus oil to prepare the mixture, now put this on your body. By this smell, Mosquitoes will not wander around you.
Keep Basil plant to window or door in the room this will escape the mosquitoes. Basil plant keep away Mosquito from the house. you can use the marigold plant and Lemon plant Apart from Basil plant.

By New research has shown that The best-affected way to avoid a mosquito is lotus and With these helps to kill mosquito larvae. If your home is near the small pond then place the Lotus in the pond by this Mosquitoes will disappear from Your House.

Clove or the smell of clove powder is much faster healing. so put this in the place of where Mosquito found in more amount than Mosquitoes run away fast by the smell of Clove or Clove Powder.

Must Read-Facts that you never read

Thyme oil is the best way to escape the malaria mosquito. You can use Thyme Powder instead of Thyme powder.Mosquitoes place the celery powder is sprayed to escape all the mosquitoes.

I think These tips will help you.

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