Has iPhone become a status symbol for the users in metro cities?

This will be the hard work if you are asked to find out the old keypad phones or its users because now a day, almost every person is a smartphone user. As it has become a common thing so people are now trying to maintain a status by using an iPhone and this is the only reason why the I Phone become the status symbol for the users of the metro cities. But do you ever think of the original reason behind it? Honestly speaking, basically I phone users are belonging from the Blueblood, so if you peep in the previous record then you can see that there were very few people who were using the I phones, most of the users were the corporate-related person, well-known businessmen or the celebrities. But now the situation is different, now the number of I phone users are frequently increasing as per the mobile retailers’ record, it has now become the status symbol of this era. Let’s find out the exact reason behind it.

Why iPhone become the status symbol for the users?

You will find out too many android users that you can’t finish by a normal counting. Today’s people are not satisfied with just an android phone so they are now trying to switch to the IOS, behind this sudden changes there are some solid reasons, let’s highlighted that issues.

  • Expensive but affordable: As we all know that I phone means something expensive but now a days the authority of I phone makes it affordable for the common users with the help of low interest or 0 interest installment process. Your per month installment amount will be near about 3000INR, so anyone can easily afford that.
  • The price is same as an Android: The I phone price is same as the Android, if you buy an android in 15 to 20k then you can easily buy the I phone 5 or 5S or SE with the same price. So why not anyone wants to switch to the I phone which is itself a brand?
  • Trust Blindly: The best part of I phone is you can trust this phone blindly; it is actually the best phone ever. You never suffer from the virus affected problem or the USB card or chip slot, etc. I phone is itself is an in-build protected phone. Compact with all the new and necessary features.
  • Features: Maybe you will get too many features in a simple or non branded android phone but none of those phones can beat the I phone’s features. Its camera quality, sound quality and other exceptional features will definitely impress you and your Android users’ friend too.
  • Logo: Now a day, people have the fascination towards the brand, so whenever you show the brand logo you can imagine that personality too, like that the APPLE with a bite logo automatically separates you and your personality from the crowd.

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So what, if you are belonging from a middle-class family or you are not rich enough to have an I phone with the cash payment. There are the facilities buy which you can be an iPhone user. The iPhone authority now a day promotes their product brilliantly and launched the new series of I phone with some handsome and impressive features. So using the I-phone really becomes the status symbol.

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