Join professional network today?

A professional network service ( simply professional network) is a type of social network service which is focused solely on interactions and relationships of a business nature rather than including personal, nonbusiness interactions and a way to either find work or get ahead in a career as well as gain resources and opportunities for networking.
An example of a professional networks like Linkedin, Viadeo, Opportunity,  Meetup, Branchout,  AngelList and the like.

Features of Professional website

  • Most of the professionals connected through computer and mobile. You can get information regarding your sector through professional websites.
  • Smart professionals attract employer through their skills and work profile. As well as employers post their job and give a chance to needy one.
  • Profile on the professional website increases the importance of your brand by regular posting. You can make your brand stronger and you will be popular among people.
  • You can market your new product and services. As comparing to TV ads company marketing campaign is cheap on these websites.
  • Business professionals like vendor, supplier, manufacturer and any third party can connect each other and they can communicate through mail. You can take a better decision from the response those people who have worked with those vendors will be fruitful or not.

Things to Keep in mind while creating professional profile

HeadLine: Describe your work and work Industry in a creative way.

Name: Don’t use nickname or ridiculous word in your name like.. superstar designer

Describe yourself like this: A gold medalist in Research Science, who have provided free education to poor people of India.

Url: Customize your url in such manner through which anyone can find you easily.

Photo: Select best photo of you which suit on a business meeting and makes your impression in the first meeting.

  • You can shoot a photo by a photographer.
  • Your photo should be reflective. You can take a suggestion to your friends about this.

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