Five important things to remember for a newly wedded bride

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There is a major change in the life of a girl after marriage. On the first day after marriage, you may feel nervous. This is a common situation. Every girl has to face this situation. Even your mom has faced the nervousness on the first in her new home. You are in a new home. There you find everything different. You need time to adjust to the new surroundings. All the soon to be brides busy in looking their wedding outfits and guest lists. It is the best time for you to learn few lessons.

These lessons are helpful for your new home.

1. Blessings

You enter your new home. Whenever you have introduced to an elderly person then you have to touch feet to seek to bless. Take pallu of your sari on your head and seek the blessings. You have placed the safety pins firmly. Therefore, that it can save you from embarrassment. You may not believe in these customs but you should not hurt their sentiments.

2. Morning Prayers

In our Indian routines, morning prayer is a daily ritual. Even you are not too religious. You should not offend your elders. In some Indian homes, there is tradition to eat after the morning prayers. You need to talk with your husband so that to know about these customs.

3. Sari Draping

In your mom’s home, you can ask anyone to help you out in wearing a sari. However, this is not the same situation in your in-laws home. You should wear your sandals before draping a sari. It can be helpful for you to know the exact height to drape the sari. Use safety pins while wearing the sari. Make proper plates.

4. Sweet Dish

You are in-laws may not expect that you are an expert cook. As the part of the custom, you need to prepare a sweet dish on the first of your marriage. Kheer is the easiest dish you can make as a sweet. You need to practice making kheer before your marriage. You can become perfect in making a perfect kheer.

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5. Expertise Cooking skills

You may not be the best cook. You are in-laws doing not want in a kitchen for a long time. You should expertise your basic cooking skills to make a good impression. You can start with a crash course to make yellow dal, jeera aloo and make round chapattis and puris.

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Conclusion- These are some useful tips for a new bahu. You need to remember them in your new home. It is useful to make a good impression on your family. Best wishes from my side to all the newlywed brides.

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