Things to do while taking bath for more benefits

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  • Reading time:4 mins read

Cleaning does not mean that we just keep the face clean and shiny. It is necessary to pay proper attention to cleaning all the organs of the body. Some things have to be done while taking bath.

  1. Shower secret –

Bathing is an integral job of our daily life. But do you know that by taking a few things while bathing you can make the process extremely profitable, interesting and easy? According to Jashu Jishanar, director of cosmetic and clinical research at the Department of Dermatology at Mount Sinai Medical Center, ‘Think about what order to do things while bathing, and know if they are done strategically. The process will become easier and faster. ‘So let’s know about their show tips.

  1. Dry brushing –

Dry brushing takes only 120 seconds while bathing, but it is a big thing. Dry brushing improves the circulation and flow of lymph fluid, causing the toxic substances surrounding the cells to come out and also remove dead skin. It shines in the skin. Use a soft brush in a circular motion for this.

  1. Hair Hydration –

To improve your hair while bathing, use a deep conditioner instead of a regular conditioner. With the heat and sense of shower, Deep Conditioner works better on hair and their roots. You can also use oil-based serum or olive oil.

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  1. Fast facial –

It’s better to sit for forty-five hours by facing and sit for ten minutes while showering. Applying facials at the time of shower helps in better cleanness of skin and time also prevents waste. Many gel-based masks come to the market for this.

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  1. Bath products –

Most of the bath products, such as shower gels, soaps, shampoo etc., are quite chemical. This can make the body skin tidy. So instead of products containing harmful chemicals, use a mild soap or milk cream, turmeric powder or gram flour, milk and Multani clay etc.

  1. Replace soap and face wash –

Especially in winter, face wash should be changed. In this season there is less moisture, so use such facial wash, which has moisturizing ingredients. If you use a good moisturizing facial wash, then there is no dryness in the skin and the hair follicles are cleared too. This same thing applies to soap.

  1. Do not ignore neck and back –

The skin of the neck is thin, so the dirt is stored there comfortably. We do not often clean the back part of the neck. But it should also be cleaned. We cannot see the back there and our hands do not reach it easily to clean it. So keep a long brush in the bathroom for cleaning these places and clean it every day. Also, the underarm arms, nails, and knees should be cleaned properly.

  1. Moisturizing Body Lotion after Shower –

Regardless of how good you are to wash with a body wash, some amount of moisture reduces from the body’s skin. Therefore, to maintain skin moisture and to keep it soft and tidy, use moisturizing body lotion after bathing in the bathroom itself.

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