Get these things in your beg and stay healthy lifestyle

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  • Post category:Health & Food
  • Reading time:2 mins read

Often we left behind our meal times due to our busy working schedule. It is hard to look after our healthy eating habits and our busy working life at the same time. We can include some eatables in your beg to overcome these improper eating habits.
Here are some eatables that you can include that can be consumed anytime and are healthy.

Detox water:

Simple water can be found anywhere in your office or at a bus stand. But you can carry detox water with you that always make you hydrated and flushes out toxins from your body. To prepare a bottle of such detox water, fill a jar with water. Put in it orange and some lemon slices. You can add some tulsi in it too. Put this mixture for the whole night. In the morning, separate out the water and keeps it in a bottle. Your detox water is now ready and you can carry it anywhere. It has more nutrients than simple water.
Mix dry fruits:

Mix some peanuts, almond and some nut pieces in a packet. These dry fruits can give fulfills your protein requirements. Eat them whenever you feel low or hungry during your working hours.

Baked gram:

Kabuli gram contains a very good percentage of protein and fiber. These can be baked and consumed. Add some salt or masala powder in it for taste. It can be stored in a jar and can be consumed anytime during the day. You can put them in your bag as per your requirement.

Besides these things, you can put some raw vegetables in your bag. Carrots can be consumed anytime during the day and are good for eyes. These raw vegetables can take place of your fast food habits. This can fill up your stomach as well as be healthy and gives you proper nutrients.

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