Uri Attack A Challenge to India

First Pathankot now Uri

First Pathankot and now Uri attack has taken the world to surprise. In January 2016 it was Pathankot now after 9 months its Uri. Attack on Indian soil has resulted yet the second time in the same year. The day the terrorist attacked Pathankot airbase in January, Pakistan condemned the attack. It expressed his support to work hand in hand and bring the perpetrators to book. A day later, Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif called his Indian counterpart Narendra Modi and said terrorists always try to derail the bilateral peace process. Then the government took it for granted that our neighbouring country is concerned and they are serious to take action against the perpetrators.

For the long time Indian government kept presenting the dossier Pakistan again attacked Uri killing 18 soldiers on Sunday the 17th September early morning. This attack couldn’t be more striking. This time we find no cooperation. It’s strange to see that Pakistani foreign policy chief Sartaj Aziz has not even condemned the attack. This is a clear indication and the difference between the two attack on Indian soil.

Pathankot Attack

Pathankot: An armored vehicle moves near the Indian Air Force base that was attacked by militants in Pathankot, Punjab on Saturday. PTI Photo (PTI1_2_2016_000051B)

I am sure this picture is still very fresh in our minds. As soon it was found that a attack has been struck at the airbase on January 4th it was clear that the blame for the attack was on the Pakistan based Jaish-e-Mohammed group. Pakistan took strong step to condemned the attach and said it was clear to be in touch with the Indian Government and is ready to work on the leads provided by India.  Pakistan also said the two countries should remain committed to a “sustained dialogue process” and sought a “cooperative approach” to counter terror. A series of talks were done on the table and India taught that Pakistan is serious to nail the  perpetrators and is willing to bring them to books.

Uri Attack

Hours after the attack on the army camp that killed 17 soldier on September 18, Pakistan Foreign Office spokesman Nafees Zakaria rejected India’s assertion that the Jaish-e-Mohammed was behind the strike and said “India has a history of blaming Pakistan immediately after a terror attack, which always proved wrong in investigations”. Zakaria said India was using different tactics to divert the world’s attention from the situation in Kashmir. A statement issued on September 19 by Sartaj Aziz, adviser on foreign policy to Sharif, again rejected India’s assertion that Pakistan was involved in the Uri attack and accused New Delhi of trying to divert attention from the Kashmir issue. Aziz, dwelt more on the situation in Kashmir and did not condemn the Uri attack. There was also no offer of cooperation to probe the assault.

Also Read: अमर शहीदों को मुआवजा अथवा मजाक

Social Media Outrage

The countrymen are furious and angry. They have one question in mind How long, till when?. People have reacted sharply on Social Media. First time a challenge has been thrown to the Government of the day to act. Action with conviction and befitting reply. War may not be the only solution to this problem but something that makes the neighbouring country isolated in the world map.  How long will the Indian government take time to give a befitting reply it’s a matter of time. People on streets are calling it “ENOUGH IS ENOUGH”.  Is the government going to understand the sentiments of the people or will keep talking of Peace and harmony.

Poll Promise To Be Fulfilled 

Today on streets we hear people questioning the Prime Minister to fulfil his poll promises that he had made in various poll rallies. He promised to the people if he comes to power if one solider loose his life  because of terrorist attack he will bring 10 soldiers of the attacking country. This is the only promise today people remember. People demand no more cold promises but action. Action that can show the culprit that we too are capable to reply. Action for the world to see that India is a country which can sacrifice and if need be revolt.

Peace a Challenge in Kashmir 

Its now almost 80 days Kashmir is burning and is on unrest. How long this is going to continue nobody knows it. Talking to the different groups has resulted to no result. Stand of the government is also not very clear. It sends a delegation which meets the stakeholders of different groups in Kashmir but when the same team is in Delhi they are lost in different voices. We need single voice to stand against these attacks. Peace talks are good for those who understand its importance but not for those how have no meaning.

Therefore its a high time that we sit and think and reply in a very befitting way that there is no war like situation yet we are able to reply in the double masseur that we are hurt. Just keeping calm and talking of Peace and harmony is time that we have wasted. Now its time to REPLY.

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