Why Engineering as a degree failed?

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

Nowadays getting an engineering degree is so easy (if you have money) like buying a product from a shopkeeper. Every year India produces 15 lakh engineering graduates, 40-70% of them do not find jobs. Today Engineering has become the de facto graduate degree for a large crumb of students. According to Aspiring Minds National Employability Report which is based on a study of more than 1.5 lakh engineering students who graduated in 2015 from 650 colleges, 80% of them are unemployable.

Engineering has been a trend like a fashion round. Without knowing himself/herself, being a part of a crowd, in pressure of family members or looking others choosing an engineering as a career.  There is a false perception in the society that if one choose mathematics he/she is a brilliant student and most of the students don’t know the career options of mathematics apart from engineering and have a perception for engineers that it is easy to get a job with a handsome salary. Therefore most of the students opt to engineer.  Most of the students have an objective to clear the paper in spite of gain a significant skill and knowledge. Students across the country fall short of desirable levels in generic abilities, including communication skills and problem-solving capabilities in particular and lack of international training.

The problem also lies in the fact that quality of engineering education has dropped. A number of private colleges have opened in every town without a basic facility, infrastructure, lab, etc. The aim of the private college has been to earn much more money without providing a quality education and quality level of teaching faculty has been declined in most of the colleges. There are a number of colleges offering technical education that do not have the approval of the AICTE  Such colleges getting admission on without merit and has contributed to increasing the number of graduates with fewer skills.

Now a day degree has been merely a rubber stamp.

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